FuffyToes and Dustbunnies


Wednesday, June 09, 2004

This is the COOLEST thing! Won it on eBay of course! Came all the way from Canada, pretty quickly too. I love finding old knitting paraphernalia. The old bakelite and plastic needles, measuring tapes, row counters...it's ALL good! This is made of bakelite and I just love the way it looks. Could be worn as jewelry, in my opinion.
Maybe if I stayed off the computer, I would get more knitting done, HAH!

I lied...I didn't finish my other projects before starting a new one. I am felting another purse for my daughter's friend. At least this will not be a UFO! This will be a bright red body with black aalong the top edge and handles. She is a little Goth-ish and likes these colors.
Hope to finish today! Later!

E-Z Knitting Ring Posted by Hello