FuffyToes and Dustbunnies


Friday, September 03, 2004

SP3 Q & A

  1. Are you are yarn snob? To put it bluntly, yes. I never use Red Heart, but can tolerate some Lion Brand yarns, although I never buy it for myself. If I was stranded on a desert island, I would knit with it to pass the time.
  2. Do you spin or crochet? No, but I would like to crochet
  3. Do you have any allergies? I have asthma, so cigarette smoke and cat hair are my nemesis ('s?)
  4. How long have you been knitting? About 2 years, but I am a slow-study
  5. Do you have an Amazon or other online wishlist? Nope
  6. What's your favorite scent? I love buttercream candles and anything else that makes my house smell like I have been baking something yummy! Otherwise, anything that smells fresh and clean.
  7. Do you have a sweet tooth? No, I have sweet TEETH!
  8. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? I quilt, sew, decorate, re-do thrift store finds
  9. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3's? I listen to Christian rock. Yes, to the other.
  10. What's your favorite color? PINK, blues, some green, creamy white
  11. What is your family situation? Do you have pets? Husband, son (24), daughter (19) step-son (22) 2 grandkids (2 yr. old boy, 8 mo. old girl) and 2 grandkids I will probably never see, twins, a boy and girl, they are 4 yrs. old. (long story) I have 3 dogs ( 2 yorkies and 1 big pound puppy) and pond fish
  12. What are your life dreams? My life dream came true when I was medically retired in 2000, at the ripe old age of 38! (Another long story!)
  13. What is/are your favorite yarns to knit with? I love wool and wool blends with soft stuff, like Alpaca and Mohair. Some of the microfibers are amazing mixed with wools. Love anything Rowan/Debbis Bliss. I like cotton, but it needs to be a blend so it has a little more spring to it, ya know? It hurts my CTS to knit with too much 100% cotton (WAH!)
  14. What fibers do you absolutely NOT like? I like most everything, but I have never been one to buy the furry type novelty yarns. Although, I like them when they are put around the top of a felted purse or something like that.
  15. What is/are your current knitting obsession/s? All Rowan, ALL the time!
  16. What is/are your favorite items to knit? I love how fast a hat or beanie knits up. Instant gratification.
  17. What are you knitting right now? A cable sweater from long ago, Carla, from Rowan Cotton Tape, 2 pairs of socks, a scarf that was supposed to get donated to the church for cold poor people, and I know there are many more....Oh, forgot about Loll, AKA Skin tag sweater.
  18. What do you think about poncho's? I like the newer versions that aren't too retro looking
  19. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? I like 'em all, as long as they are good quality. I love to knit with my vintage Bakelite needles, they have a nice point.
  20. How did you learn to knit? My friend from church, who has knit forever.
  21. How old is your oldest UFO? 18 months, the cable sweater from above, (does that sound better than a year and a half?)

Monday, August 30, 2004

Finally finished this last night. The fringe took a good 2 hours to apply. I like it! I did end up using almost every bit of 6 balls. The fringe took almost a full ball, and then some. Now to work on Loll. Although, I keep looking at the Carla-along and drooling. I have some Cotton Tape in my stash that I was going to use for Bella, but I could easily change my mind about that. I should just work on Loll. Man, those dingle -berry- skin-tags just kill my wrist after one row. Probably why I am not thrilled about getting back to it.
Oakley Posted by Hello